Analyse qualitative des risques d’exposition de la population aux métaux lourds par la consommation de loup et de daurade d’élevages en Tunisie
Wolf, Heavy metals, Sea bream, Breeding, Farmed fishAbstract
Heavy metals are chemical contaminants in the environment that may end up in all the feed that we consume. The objective of this study is a risk assessment according to the methodology developed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) which consist in estimating the concentration of three heavy metals (cadmium, lead, mercury) in feed consumed by a population, determining the absorbed doses and comparing them to absorption limits. The estimation of the weekly intake (EWI) of heavy metals gave the following values (in μg/kg/week) Cadmium 1.42; Lead 1.57; Mercury 0.42. We can conclude that the doses absorbed by the consumer are below the tolerable limits. In addition, veterinary services ensure effective measures for monitoring heavy metals in farmed fish in accordance with European standards.