Announcement of new Editor-in-Chief
We are pleased to announce that Pr. Lassaad Chouba is stepping in as Editor-in-Chief of the INSTM Bulletin: Marine and Freshwater Sciences.
Read more about Announcement of new Editor-in-ChiefThe INSTM Bulletin: Marine and Freshwater Sciences is an annual Bulletin successor of the INSTOP Bulletin and the SOS Bulletin created in 1924. It is a peer-reviewed open access journal which publishes original papers related to Marine and Freshwater Sciences research including various fields such as Oceanography, Biology, Ecology, Biodiversity, Biotechnology, Geology, Pollution, Toxicology, Fishery, Seafood and Aquaculture.
The key criteria are that the work clearly demonstrates its novelty, its importance to a particular field as well as its interest to the wide scientific community. Reviews on current topics are welcome. Selected papers or extended abstracts from symposia or workshops may also be considered. Short notes about new records of marine species are accepted.
The current Bulletin’s archive contains several hundred articles covered in Google Scholar and indexed and abstracted in the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) database. See More
We are pleased to announce that Pr. Lassaad Chouba is stepping in as Editor-in-Chief of the INSTM Bulletin: Marine and Freshwater Sciences.
Read More Read more about Announcement of new Editor-in-ChiefINSTM Bulletin is indexed and abstracted by:
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Hosted by IRESA
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